Sunday, April 25, 2010

Institute Substitute

It is a darn good thing that the comments made were by a sub, and not the normal teacher, because if it had been by the normal teacher,I might not be coming to institute for a while.

I walk into a normal Tuesday institute class, ready to be uplifted from the toils of class. "Turn to Alma 56" she said, and we flipped to the chapter, and read the familiar verse.
48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of their amothers, saying: We bdo not doubt our mothers knew it.

Whatever, I've been listening to that verse forever. Blind faith! Great....

But then she took it a step further. "Now we know that the fathers didn't really teach the sons, but we do know some things about them" She turned to me and said "Julia, will you read verse for the class?" I began reading in a clear voice, while my face turned more red by the second

27 And now it came to pass in the second month of this year, there was brought unto us many provisions from the fathers of those my two thousand sons.

I looked at her with a raised eye brow and she grinned. "Now you see, class, this is just the perfect example of how it should be. The mothers nurtured the children, and the men provided for them"

I didn't even realize I had rolled my eyes when she began reprimanding me. "Do you have a problem?" she said in that tone used often on disobedient children. I had to make a decision about how rude it would be to fight this battle in the classroom, but I felt like false doctrine was being taught. I stepped up.

"Keith" I said looking across the table "I really, really hope that you're more involved with raising your children then just putting food on the table for them, you better help be an example for them and teach them"

She looked so outraged, but she spoke in a quiet, seething voice "Provide, Protect, Preside!" she crooned, as if I were descending into the abyss of Hell by even *suggesting* a man should be involved in his children's lives.

I laughed at her and she moved on. I think I made my point. For the record, if you really want to make me angry, evidently that is the perfect way!

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